COVID 19 Recruitment Campaign
Thank you for your interest in supporting Nursing Homes Ireland during the Covid- 19 pandemic.
Nursing Homes Ireland are appealing to people within our healthcare, hospitality and retail sectors to support their member facilities in providing care to people during the Coronavirus emergency.
Staffing needs will arise for nursing homes across the country and we are now asking potential candidates to apply via this this web portal. We need people who are willing to provide care and support and those with catering expertise such as chefs and catering assistants.
NHI is urging people who feel they can contribute to care of older people to click the Register Your Interest button below and submit your details through our online recruitment portal.
How will the data be used?
By completing this form you consent to your data being used for recruitment in support of Nursing Homes Ireland members.
The data gathered will be held and distributed for the purposes of recruiting care professionals. Your data will be shared with the chosen facility you indicate on the data capture form.
How will your data be stored?
The data gathered will be held on password protected computers/ cloud storage.